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This is where we tell you about things the Partnership Board is doing and things that may be interesting to people who have a learning disability in Manchester

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Manchester People First are having a Zoom meeting to ask people with a learning disability what they think the government should be spending the extra money on that they are getting by raising National Insurance. They will tell the Greater Manchester Disabled People's Panel what people said when they meet later in September.

Manchester People First's meeting will be on Zoom from 10:30 to 11:15am on Wednesday 22 September 2021. If you want to be invited to the meeting, email:

14 June 2021 to 20 June 2021 was Mencap's national learning disability week which raises awareness about people who have a learning disability. This year's theme was "Art and Creativity". You can find out more about it on Mencap's website by clicking here

Manchester People First had to close its offices during the coronavirus pandemic. They started doing online sessions using Zoom, and loaned members tablet computers so they could join in with lots of creative things from home. People First told us: "We have an Arts and Craft session every week so had lots of things to show people online. During Learning Disability Week, we painted and decorated T-Shirts."

"We also met up with our friends for The Shaw Centre and Ordinary Life-styles, we caught up with what they had been doing and had a 40 question ‘just-for-fun’ quiz. Maybe we can join up again with The Shaw Centre and Ordinary Lifestyle for more fun and games. Watch this space…

This website is run by Manchester People First for the Manchester Learning Disability Partnership Board

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